Saturday, 10 March 2012

Lent-Day 16-End of week update


People always say they're going to quit something, whether it be quitting smoking, drinking; drugs or even TV,  either way I would say at least 60% of the time they fail and give up. What I've found over time for me is if I'm not the one who is initiating quitting something, I will never make it. I have to want to do it, not because its bad for me, or its hard or others told me its a good idea to do it. I find quitting something is like changing a way of yourself, which is very hard to do so. I wanted to do Lent, for many reasons, but I wanted to do it... it's going really well, and a lot easier then I thought it would have been. Today went well, same with all the other days so far and I of course had fast-food on my mind sometimes but I never gave it. Almost anything is possible when you set it in your mind as a goal, and I know that sounds cheesy but it's true.. the human brain is a lot more capable of understanding things than we are aware of. As long as it's physically possible or mentally, then it can be accomplished.

Okay all, have a good night.

-Clifford Villeneuve

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