Saturday, 25 February 2012

Lent-Day 4-also review of week


So this is day #4 of the 40 day Lent Process, and since it's a Saturday I will be doing my weekly review I promised. Unfortunately since uploading videos on here isn't working I will only be doing a text review on here. Day #1 went very smoothly, of course since it's the 1st day hah. Day #2 went just as smoothly, I had like no urges to eat fast food and I was successful in not eating any. Of course, it was my week off so I got bored at times which I mentioned before.. boredom=weakness to eat fast food. Yet even though I was bored and hungry I still managed to not fall for the cheapness and readiness of fast food restaurants. Day #3 was pretty much the same as the other two days, I had a few urges because I was bored but I just ignored them and ate normally. Today day #4 was very easy for me, I kept myself busy so eating never even came up in my mind so no urges or weakness to go and get some. Lets not forget the fact of being broke makes everything easy when not eating fast food, unfortunately the days when I have money will be the greatest challenges. I am lacking on the whole getting closer to God in this challenge, even though I am happy with where I am at in my faith..  I would still like to use this opportunity to get closer and a stronger faith. I have been getting used to just living, and not worrying about money or work. Well I have 36 days left of Lent, and I can't wait to see what this process brings me during it all. I would like to think after it's all done I can do Lent as way to quit another thing I shouldn't be doing, like eating healthier which is a much harder task.

Okay well I am coming to an end, sorry it's shorter than I thought it would be.. but what can you do? it's all in the process and that's all I've got to talk about :P. Okay have a good night all.

-Clifford Villeneuve


  1. Oh btw tomorrow is Sunday, which is not counted in this process because it's supposed to be a day of rest.

  2. I still keep up Lent on Sunday's regardless. You won't be faulted for doing so.

  3. Yeah I know, well I just didn't want to eat because it could cause problems with wanting it again.
